Download the ads of your choice below by right clicking and choosing “save image as.”
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Placement on your site:
For the best results, prominently display the Double A ads on your home page.
We recommend leveraging the ads with a link to your Double A product category or product page URLs.
If you would like your ads to link to the Double A website, please use the following links:
Set A | Try Double A:
Set B | Most Earth-Friendly Paper:
Download Set A | Try Double A Ad Set:
120×240 pixels
468×60 pixels
300×50 pixels
Download Set B | Sustainability Ad Set:
120×240 pixels
468×60 pixels
300×50 pixels
In a few moments you will receive an email with a link to return back to this webpage at any time. If you have any questions or comments about the ads, please let your sales representative know. We look forward to hearing your success stories! Share them with us so that we can post on our site.