Double A Joins the Fight Against Breast Cancer! We are proud to think pink and donate to the City of Hope Breast Cancer Program this month!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month has been observed every October since 1985. It can have different meanings for different groups of people. For some, it brings up memories of a tough moment in their lives. Others view it as a chance to show their support for the over 2 million women worldwide who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is also known best for its pink theme color as people around the world adopt the pink color and display a pink ribbon to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and routine screening for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. This October, Double A is proud to “Think Pink” by reflecting on the impact of this disease and continuing our dedication to make meaningful contributions to this important cause through financial donations to the City of Hope Breast Cancer Program.


Breast cancer is among the most common cancers affecting women in the United States. It accounts for 30% of all new cancer cases in women each year. While often viewed as a women’s disease, it’s important to remember that breast cancer has no gender. Men are also at risk. In 2024, more than 360,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer.  Approximately 2,800 will be men, who carry a 19% higher mortality rate than women, largely due to lower awareness, which leads to delayed treatment. Early detection and proper treatment significantly improve survival rates and quality of life for those affected. We encourage everyone to remind your loved ones, to get regular screenings and self-examination for early detection of breast cancer.


Breast cancer affects more than just the individual that is diagnosed, touching families, friends, communities, and businesses. When someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, families often become caregivers, taking on both the emotional and physical burden of supporting their loved ones through treatment and recovery. Listening and providing emotional support can make a big difference for both patients and caregivers. Even though some patients may not survive the battle, their resilience inspires us to support their journey toward recovery and well-being. It’s not just the patients who fight, but also their families and caregivers who walk alongside them. There is no shame in losing the fight. Expressing condolences and offering ongoing support to the grieving family is also valuable in the healing process. They need to know that they are not alone.


At Double A, a leading manufacturer of premium copy paper, we believe in creating Better paper, Better world. Supporting this cause aligns with our mission of making meaningful contributions to society. The City of Hope is one of the largest and most advanced cancer research and treatment organizations in the U.S. Together, we stand in solidarity with the millions of patients, survivors, caregivers, and ALL who are touched by this disease. You have the power in your hands to make the world a better place! Join Double A in the fight against breast cancer. Learn more about the City of Hope Breast Cancer Program here.

