Socially Responsible Farmers Play a Role in the Double A Roots

Every purchase a consumer makes has a rippling butterfly effect on the world around them.  When choosing a company’s product, they are supporting not just the product itself but also the company’s business practices all the way down to their sourcing and environmental impact. Double A uses socially responsible farmers to create a high-quality paper with a low environmental impact. Customers can choose sustainability without having to sacrifice quality. 

Continue Reading: Earth-Friendly Paper

What is a socially responsible farmer?

Socially responsible farmers source and produce their goods and services with the goal of having minimal harm to the environment and society.  Ideally, there is no harm at all and the products and services actually provide benefits such as recycling waste or providing fair wages and conditions to workers.  Socially responsible farmers are concerned with the agricultural impact like sustainability, waste, and carbon footprint as well as the social implications of the community like human rights, safety, and working conditions. 

Socially Responsible Farming at Double A

Double A’s socially responsible farmers start with minimizing the company’s carbon footprint in the sourcing of their trees.  Double A studied over 2,500 types of trees for over 25 years to create the perfect paper tree and develop a sustainable process. The unique Double A paper tree grows in between rice paddies, a space called KHAN-NA that would be typically overlooked by farmers as an unusable space. 

Read also: Khan Na to the Streets of Seoul 


The KHAN-NA trees allow Double A to source their own paper.  The trees are grown in existing farms in underutilized spaces.  Double A’s socially responsible farmers actually plant trees, which absorb carbon dioxide in the air.  Double A goes one step further with its socially responsible farmers and recycles the waste from the KHAN-NA trees.  They use these by-products to create biomass steam and electricity. The energy is then used to power the Double A mill to produce paper.  The socially responsible farming practices create an environmentally friendly cycle that reduces waste and creates a sustainable and renewable energy source for its products and local communities.  The mills also used recycled water for their manufacturing and trees, and are careful to collect and recycle any excess water from the paper pulp during the process.

Community Focused

Double A offers rice farmers in Thailand the opportunity for additional income by planting the paper trees in their unused spaces. These socially responsible farming practices generate supplemental income that is put back into the community and fosters new economic growth to alleviate poverty and boost entrepreneurship.  These trees also provide shade for the farmers to walk through along their fields.

Double A uses socially responsible farmers in Thailand to create a product that is not only high-quality but also environmentally friendly and supports the local community.  Farmers are given an opportunity to rent out their unused land to Double A and plant paper trees for extra income.  The money is put back into the local economy and teaches sustainability.  Double A goes the extra mile to reduce the environmental and social impact of the process from start to finish. They studied trees and worked hard to find a sourcing and manufacturing process that would benefit the farmers, local community, and the environment. Quality is never sacrificed, but instead improved through patented technology.  Double A sets a new standard for the paper industry.