5 Sustainability Strategies for Businesses

Corporations around the globe have been tasked with increasing their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). With the market landscape constantly changing to include the latest business sustainability strategies, it is paramount to implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in a manner that will ensure their longevity for years to come.

The companies that are the most successful with environmental sustainability practices link SDGs directly to their mission statement. They analyze their sustainability practices in relation to their business interests in order to capitalize on these goals. Below you will find some key ideas on how to implement successful, long-term business sustainability strategies.

Create Sustainability Goals

Creating transparent goals for business sustainability practices is the first step to achieving Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). When implementing clear goals and outlining clear steps to achieve them, you harness the commitment of your entire company to better the environment.

Without Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there will be no way to track and measure your progress. As you integrate business sustainability strategies, the bottom line will slowly begin to increase. It is important to pinpoint which strategies are most effective in decreasing overhead and helping the planet. Achieving the perfect CSR is a lengthy process, but with long-term SDG’s and commitment, sustainability will become ingrained in your business practices.

Reduce Waste

The world generates around 3.5 million tons of waste in one day. Everyone must take responsibility to reduce waste, including corporations.

Businesses can create an incentive to reduce waste in their facility. Some examples include providing branded coffee mugs to employees to reduce single-use cups and straws. Installing automatic paper-towel dispensers, faucets, and hand dryers can also reduce the waste generated from office buildings.

Even though sustainable progress takes time, companies will see a significant increase in savings when reducing the consumption of these single-use products. This will eventually allow increased cash flow to other areas of the business and improve the bottom line in the long run.

Use Sustainable Paper

Corporations rely on paper to assist them with important documentation. Understandably, it is paramount to choose a sustainable paper company. Double A Paper produces paper from sustainable sources, using the land between rice paddies on Thai farms to plant saplings of the Paper-Tree. Planting the Paper-Tree prevents deforestation in these areas. Double A Paper also stimulates the local economy by compensating Thai farmers for the use of their land. Integrating Double A Paper into business sustainability strategies is a great way to help the environment and acquire high-quality paper.

Encourage Alternative Transportation

Encouraging employees to seek alternative transportation can be beneficial to businesses in multiple ways. Not only will this ultimately decrease your global carbon footprint, but it will also save your employees money.

While using public transportation or biking to work may be easier in larger metro areas, it can be close to impossible in smaller cities. Starting a carpool program is an alternative for businesses located in smaller, more rural areas of the country.

Employees will benefit from spending less on gas and have the ability to prepare for the workday during their commute. Employees will also have the opportunity to collaborate and brainstorm on their way to work.

Create a Sustainability Team 

Long-term business sustainability strategies are most effective when they include every aspect of the corporation. Creating a team of highly driven employees to explore different sustainability practices will ensure they are executed efficiently in the long run.

Specifically, choosing an employee from each department of the company will allow the business to slowly integrate sustainability practices in the smoothest way possible. Recruiting employees for company sustainability efforts will ensure they are executed properly and educate employees on the importance of helping the environment.

Since the health of our world continues to rise in importance, sustainability initiatives are here to stay. Multi-million dollar corporations and small businesses alike are choosing to take on the responsibility of implementing sustainable business practices. Together, we can live sustainably and secure the future for generations to come.