Tag Archives: Sustainability

Sustainable Business Resources

Sustainable Corporate Practices Have you ever wondered, “How do you create environmentally-friendly paper?” At Double A, it’s simple. We start with our Paper-Tree seedlings that produce the highest quality pulp. We know that you create environmentally-friendly paper by prioritizing sustainability from the ground up. Watch how we partnered with Thai farmers to achieve this: 8 […]

8 Quotes About Sustainability that Inspire Us to Grow

When you endeavor to keep sustainability at the forefront of your mind, it helps to surround yourself with encouragement. Environmentally friendly actions can be a challenge to put into practice in business, so we have rounded up a series of quotes to inspire and guide you. World leaders like the Dalai Lama consistently speak to […]

The Difference Between Sustainable And Natural

Have you been wondering what the difference is between sustainable products and “natural” products – or if there is even a difference at all? We’re here to help! In this article, we will take a look at sustainability and natural, and help you understand how each of these terms are used in the marketing of paper, and […]

Five Ways to Reduce Corporate Waste

We probably don’t have to tell you why you need to reduce corporate waste, but here it goes. First things first, you are contributing to making the world a better place and protecting the environment from pollution and overcrowded landfills. At the same time, you’re also improving your business efficiency by spending less on supplies […]

Home Office: Tips for Going Green without Breaking the Bank!

You probably already have a couple of tricks up your sleeve when it comes to saving up a few bucks on your energy bills. Maybe you’re even trying to put some sustainable practices into action. For example, you never leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, you turn on the lights only when you need […]

KHAN-NA: Turning Unused into Unbelievable

We live in a time of consumer-driven environmental initiatives. Companies everywhere are making admirable strides to both protect and replenish our environment to meet consumer’s needs. Double A is no exception. However, what makes Double A stand out from the crowd is the approach that we’ve taken since our inception: using KHAN-NA. What is this, […]

Eco-friendly Printing Options for Your Home Office

How do you make your home office more eco-friendly? Start by looking at your entire printing process and consider investing in the right printer, return print cartridges and be mindful of your paper usage. Those of us who spend considerable amounts of time at our home offices should be thinking about how to make our […]

3 Ways to Go Green Without Going Crazy

You’re bombarded with messages about lowering your carbon footprint, minimizing your impact on the planet, living sustainably, using less and reusing more. And you want to help, but sometimes making purchasing decisions with countless environmental considerations can be downright overwhelming. Well, we’d like to make your paper buying just a bit easier. Paper Use Is […]

What’s Trending in the World of Paper? A Move Toward Sustainability

To get a good handle on what’s happening in the paper and packaging sector, it’s important to look at the wider forces shaping business across the globe. These megatrends affect everything from automobiles, to food, to office paper. Snapshot of an Industry: Recycling Rate Here’s a continuing trend that we’re keeping an eye on: Climate […]