Category Archives: Home

What Does Sustainability Mean to You? Part 1

With the People’s Climate Movement in full swing, and Greta Thunberg named TIME’s Person of the Year, sustainability became a hot button topic in 2019. However, with the concept of sustainability so complex and multi-faceted, Double A Paper wanted to kick off the new year by reflecting on the definition of sustainability and what it means to you. What […]

Desperately Seeking Biodegradable

You’ve heard about biodegradable materials since grade school. But times have changed, and with all of the new synthetic materials available, it’s hard to know what’s biodegradable and what doesn’t fit the bill. The true definition of biodegradable, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is “capable of being broken down, especially into innocuous products, by the action […]

The Value of Trees

Every choice you make, as a consumer or business, impacts the environment. You can choose to be more sustainable and eco-friendly by supporting companies that put these values at the heart of their business. Simple changes, like using more sustainable home and office supplies, may seem small on an individual level, but have a substantial […]

Companies Crushing It: Part 2

Every day, everywhere, responsible companies are doing their part to make our world greener and stronger. The second in a series, this post explores some of the more innovative ways these companies inspire us all to do more. BioFase  Mexico grows about 50% of the world’s avocados. And when you have avocado seeds, you can make […]

Creating Sustainable Employee Transportation: Where to Start

Bicycling, walking, public transportation, ride-sharing, telecommuting, and working from home. These are all forms of sustainable employee transportation, or eco-friendly ways to get to work. Some are more eco-friendly than others. For example, if you’re choosing public transportation, which do you think is the most energy efficient? Before we discuss that, let’s explore why it’s […]

How to Have a Sustainable Holiday

A very merry eco-holiday to you! Starting in October, you’re barraged with holiday deals, decorations, and exhortations to shop early and save. While we salute the spirit of giving and the festive atmosphere this conjures, we’re all a little tired of the “buy, buy, buy” mentality. When we’re pushing our carts around in the store […]