Category Archives: Home

4 Time Management Techniques for Busy Professionals

Time is our most valued resources. Once you spend it, you can never get it back. But, when you need to divide your focus between different aspects of your job or business, it can often feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on your to-do list. As a result, not […]

How to Clear Desk Clutter & Organize Your Workspace

Where and how you work can have a significant impact on your overall productivity. Sure, you may be spending most of your day in front of a computer, but what happens around you influences your focus and work performance. Everything from the lighting in your office to the pile of documents on your desk can […]

“Whose Dog Is Barking?” How to Hold Conference Calls from Home

Today’s business world is much more complex and inclusive than it used to be. More and more people leave their 9-to-5 jobs in exchange for a home office where they can focus on the projects that matter to them and work at their pace. But, just because your office setting changed, it doesn’t mean that […]

6 Fast (and Easy) Ways to Grow Your Online Business

The digital space has proven to be quite profitable for businesses. Over 1.6 billion people worldwide shopped online in 2016. In the United States, eCommerce sales generate $1.9 trillion in 2016, and the figure is expected to grow to $4.06 trillion by 2020. While the prospects of launching an online business may look appealing, entrepreneurs […]

4 Organization Tips for a Stress-Free Year

Office organization is not just about designing a welcoming and comfortable space but also about lowering stress and boosting productivity. Psychologists assert that a neatly organized workspace promotes creative thinking, improves efficiency, saves times, and makes it easier to focus. But, perhaps you already know the benefits of keeping your workspace tidy. What you want […]

Home Office: Tips for Going Green without Breaking the Bank!

You probably already have a couple of tricks up your sleeve when it comes to saving up a few bucks on your energy bills. Maybe you’re even trying to put some sustainable practices into action. For example, you never leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, you turn on the lights only when you need […]