Author Archives: Double A Paper

Strategically Choose Your Paper

What kind of paper should you stock? Stores and companies often ask this question, hoping for a definite answer.  You should strategically choose your paper based on the client. There are many different types of paper varying in thickness, gloss, size, shape, all for different uses. When you’re deciding on what types of paper to […]

10 Truths of an Eco-Conscious Office Manager

“Going Green” can seem like a huge task for businesses, but when broken down into smaller steps and initiatives, it creates innovation and breathes life into a company. Eco-conscious business practices are becoming more and more important in the business world, as consumers want to choose companies that mirror their own philosophies on sustainability. Becoming […]

Better than Recycled Paper

During the 1980s, the Brundtland Commission disclosed a glaring reality to the world stage – modern paper production processes apply little forethought regarding the needs of future generations. The concept of sustainability was originally termed by the commission’s report, Our Common Future. By endeavoring to control resource depletion rates, the Brundtland Commission awakened the modern age […]

The Complete Checklist for Preparing for a Presentation

A presenter seeks to deliver a noteworthy message to an audience. While the objective of a presentation is relatively straightforward, most people, who are handed an assignment to present, quickly realize that prepping for this mission is often a challenging and nerve-racking experience. Here’s the good news! There are proven strategies to help presenters overcome […]

An Overview of the Pulp Industry Worldwide

When many people think about paper being made, they imagine big trees sliced into super thin sheets, but that’s not how it works.  Paper is made from pulp, which comes from the cellulose in trees.  Looking at the pulp industry worldwide, there are millions of jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars made globally to […]

Energy Costs vs. Natural Resources

Look around, what kinds of things surround you? Electronics, snacks, pieces of paper? These products didn’t just materialize; they were part of a long process requiring resources from around the world. Your tiny smartphone is composed of hundreds of compartments that require different metal and glass pieces that had to be mined, manufactured, and then […]

Solve Your Paper Sourcing Challenge

Instead of handwriting a letter to a friend, it’s more common to send a text message or email. In an effort to reduce paper costs, schools, offices, and companies turn towards digital forms of communication like PDFs and eBooks where they once would have printed handouts and fliers on sheets of paper. Organizations and businesses […]

5 Ways to Repurpose Your Double A Packaging

Upcycling is a way to creatively reuse a by-product or good that would be alternatively thrown out.  The materials are used to create something that has a higher value than the original.  Double A paper is centered around sustainability, reducing waste, and recycling whenever possible.  This mentality can be extended to customers by finding ways […]

Socially Responsible Farmers Play a Role in the Double A Roots

Every purchase a consumer makes has a rippling butterfly effect on the world around them.  When choosing a company’s product, they are supporting not just the product itself but also the company’s business practices all the way down to their sourcing and environmental impact. Double A uses socially responsible farmers to create a high-quality paper […]